Tuesday, September 28, 2010

undleting files

recently, I needed 2 recover a folder filled with anime. But i've forgotten what type of video it was. So, I've discovered that only Photorec can recover mkv files from fatX filesystems. Hooray!

Unfortunately, it creates ugly-named files, so, as I don't remember the name of this anime, I'm not able 2 find any subtitles

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

FMO and ROHF. Geometry optimization.

I've encountered some problems with this calculation, as some values have wrong default values. I mean, MODORB have to be changed to 3, and MODGRD have to be unequal to 2.
Here is modified input from first tutorial. The number of fragments was decreased from 3 to 2 for the purpose of avoidance of dividing of C-C bond in ethanol. That was made for simplicity.
So, here we've got alcohol and water as two fragments. Suddenly, an electron have passed away, therefore the cation-radical was formed (multiplicity=2, charge=+1). As I had some concerns about ability to calculate gradients with open-shell structures, I've decided to move from energy calculation to RUNTYP=OPTFMO.

h 1
c 6
o 8
C 6 2.3410689175 -0.2869692888 -0.0074194092
H 1 3.0745859649 0.3772736987 0.4397744143
H 1 2.5665310430 -0.3924000324 -1.0640918137
H 1 2.4261794556 -1.2632979826 0.4595623356
C 6 0.9166901279 0.2761650904 0.1831975319
H 1 0.7235442032 0.4041423414 1.2567611875
H 1 0.8641656999 1.2758468598 -0.2685095421
O 8 -0.0215616632 -0.6201531625 -0.4156796115
H 1 -0.9026816335 -0.1944297425 -0.2534321184
O 8 -2.4493614824 0.5180105259 0.0102319306
H 1 -2.9309841137 0.6564728575 -0.8399969145
H 1 -3.0583517680 -0.1059613981 0.4726454459
nfrag=2 indat(1)=1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1, 2,2,2 $end
As for me, this input works. If we compare the energy of this system before and after electron withdrawal, we'll be able to have ionization energy. Unfortunately, as it depends on the basis set, it is useless as "thing-in-itself".

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Huckel about Shrodinger

I've just found an amazing poetry quote of Erich Huckel here
Here it is:

Erwin with his psi can do
Calculations quite a few.
But one thing has not been seen:
Just what does psi really mean?

Monday, February 1, 2010

du -sh [folder]
it will give you a folder's size

Thursday, January 21, 2010

F*ck the system)) F*ck your self-vision, I mean

I do hate self-control. I mean, I've understood recently that it's better to be not the most efficient person in the world, but the most happy.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

changing cases

sed 's/[[:lower:]]/\u&/g'

this quick and simple sed command helps in further editing of GAMESS input files.I was suffering of case-sensitivity of sed because I had a lot of GAMESS inputs where 'optimize' could be written as 'Optimize' or 'OPTIMIZE'. So I had to change RUNTYP by hands in a really huge number of molecular entities).
I'm happy now.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


PROFESS=PRinceton Orbital-Free Electronic Structure Software
I was interested in it because of ability to compute properties of really huge (10^5 or even more atoms). So, it's a good precision to study protein conductivity. unfortunately, I'm too busy in my daily projects, so the only thing I'm going to do with it currently is writing this post. Probably, I'll read it someday and remember about this interesting approach.