Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I feel like I'm stuck. I haven't done anything valuable this year, and my todo-list is too big for me. And my kindle isn't coming. And I'm not able to get borrowed money from George.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Debian @Donnu_chemdept

steps to create a office-like PC using vintage hardware (128 MB ram, crt monitors, etc...)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

When I'll switch to debian, I'll use xdiskusage instead of all that memory-eating gtk apps. I promise.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

amazon cluster 2do

Prerequisites: Amazon account, linux system

1. Установить Starcluster
    1.1 yum -y install python_setuptools
    1.2 easy_install StarCluster
2. Try StarCluster

3. Edit provided images, add gamess to them
The steps I use are:
   1. Stop all services like apache, postgresql, memcache
   2. Bundle the volume:
   3. Upload the bundle to s3:
   4. Register the AMI manifest in ElasticFox

4. launch this freaky thing
paultry is poetry
плюш плющит
hostile hostel
Got a girl. Gotta go!
Я кафир, я пью кефир.
Мам, я принял ислам
Dura lex - durex
Мата Хари in a hurry
Думай этично, а не этнично
Think ethically, not ethnically
Думай по-украински --- Just думай
Потасканные потаскухи
чаморошный - хилый, замурзаный, больной, неухоженный
дрыпать - терзать, повторять похожие действия
кучеря - вроде чигирей
мыршевий - джордж сказал, я уж и не помню

нашел в залежах годичный файл с мыслями

Кот распластался белкой-летягой на сбитом из серых дощечек постаменте для него и пластиковых бутылок и иногда горшков с цветами. Мяукнул о том, что жарко и не хватает ласки.

реквизиты приватбанка для преводов по Украине

Получатель: ПАО КБ ПриватБанк
Код ­получателя (ОКПО, ЕГРПОУ): 14360570
Код банка получателя (МФО): 305299 ­
Счет получателя: 29244825509100
Назначение: для пополнения ­карты/счета № ***************, ФИО, ИНН (Ваши данные)
Заполните ­назначение платежа своими данными и предоставьте отправителю

Thursday, September 1, 2011

djvu2pdf @ linux

надо скачать djvulibre-bin libtiff-tools
 ddjvu -format=tiff yourfile.djvu yourfile.tiff
 tiff2pdf -z -o outfile.pdf yourfile.tiff

Monday, July 18, 2011

howto change brightness @vika laptop

sudo setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=ff (ff\88\22\55\99)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Don't need a freaky-bastardy-Gnome3?

Monday, July 11, 2011


su -c 'yum install fuse-sshfs'
sshfs user@node:/folder mountfolder/

Saturday, June 25, 2011

voice calling over skype

1. install pocketsphinx and its python bindings:
yum install pocketsphinx
2. install skype4py
3. manage to call someone from console
4. use voximp with minor setup to callyour friends

Monday, May 2, 2011

gnuplot - text mode

gnuplot + set terminal dumb
And we can have lots of fun even without X system

The left side of cell phone

Where is the left side of cell phone?
Most of asked people responded : "the side where "left" for me is a left side of cell phone." But when I turned phone around, its "left" side became a "right" side for observers.

For me, as humans have "left hand", and it will stay left independently of point of observation, so cell phone has a "left side" independently of point of observation. The "left" side is the property of the system.

So, if we're talking about any object by itself (observer and object don't interact), an observer's imaginary point need to be placed inside of the object.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

youtube bookmarks

I need to try creating bookmarks to some points of video inside of this video
0.00 introduction
5.12 core part
15.22 conclusions

probably, this item should be placed in the upper right or upper left corners of the video window. if possible, it is to be visible only if user place a mouse in a certain area.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

howto Install windows xp sp1 to the new notebook

my bro can't do this because of lack of drivers at the disk.
this is my plan:
1. install it to the VirtualBox
2. install additional drivers to the system
3. install acronis or another disk cloning software to the virtual machine.
5. create a disk image and copy it to the shared folder, or directly to a flash drive
6. boot a live version of the cloning software and copy a disk image to the hard drive

second variant: clonezilla+VmWare

oops.. I've found a brillant HOWTO

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


1. the source of "error 911" @gamess-us was incorrect amount of SysV system memory.
For fixing, I've added this two lines to the /etc/sysct.conf
#add sysV shared memory
kernel.shmmax = 402653184

2. Calling with skype from command line
2.1. install Skype4Py: easy_install Skype4Py
2.2. patch it:

--- (revision 284)
+++ (working copy)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
import dbus
import dbus.service
- from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
+ from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop, threads_init
import gobject

@@ -72,6 +72,10 @@

# initialize glib multithreading support
+ # Initialize threads in dbus-glib, if this has not already been done.
+ # This must be called before creating a second thread in a program
+ # that uses this module.
+ threads_init()

# dbus-python calls object.__init__() with arguments passed to SessionBus(),
# this throws a warning on newer Python versions; here we suppress it
2.3. Use script from ubuntu site.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Disk failure

After power outage I couldn't log into my second node. Also, I coulnd't reboot it. So, I've booted Fedora liveusb, and tried to find disks with "fdisk -l". It didn't work.
su - and I didn't have to input any pass at all. Wow, I'm root now ^_^
#fdisk -l gave me info that I had /dev/sda1 there as a primary disk. I've checked it with
#fsck -cc
Then I leaved my workplace to digest some food. It took me about hour.
Unfotunately, I didn't choose "yes for all questions" option, so I had to reply "yes, I do want to force rewriting this block" It took another 20 minutes and was really boring.
As a result, I've got a working disk at the moment.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Error while compiling ddi

gcc -DLINUX -m64 -O3 -fstrict-aliasing -I./ -Dgetarg_=_gfortran_getarg_i4 -Diargc_=_gfortran_iargc -DDDI_SOC -DUSE_SYSV -DMAX_SMP_PROCS=8 -DMAX_NODES=128 -o ddi_index.o -c ddi_index.c

ddi_index.c: In function ‘DDI_Fence_check’:
ddi_index.c:344:31: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size
unset echo