Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Religion is the placebo of the masses." - Gregory House, M.D.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

cluster setup

One of the most basic moves during cluster's equipment is setup of the firewall. As usually in linux, I had to read and understand quite sophisticated manual of the iptables. And now, occasionally, the only command I've had to execute was

# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

Of course, my routing and ips' editing were quite time-consuming too. But now, as yum begins its work, almost all problems of installation are less painful))

List of disks
# fdisk -l
Mounting of cd/dvd
mount /dev/cdrom /куда

In Midnight commander:
Highlighting of syntax:
/usr/share/mc/syntax - here are files with highlighting rules
cat include fortran.syntax >> ~/.mc/cedit/Syntax
of commands alt+h
of folders alt+H

How much memory do I have here?
dmidecode -t memory